Archaeology is the study of the past through material remains left by human’s activities.
This is studied in all parts of the world, and above and below ground or under water. Archaeologists also explore concepts such as past social structures and beliefs systems and the status of women in prehistory.
Martin Welch is an archaeologist at the Institute of Archaeology UCL in which he is the Senior Lecturer. Martin's research interests is more focused on the Pist-ROman Archaeology, Early Anglo-Saxon Archaeology and about Migration Period Europe.
Martin Welch was able to attain his degree in Modern History and also took his Masters Degree in Modern History at Oxford. He also got his Diploma in Prehistory at the same university also. He also finished his Doctorate in Anglo-Saxon Archaeology at Oxford.
Martin Welch's latest publications are the following:
1.) Welch,M. (2006). Thmpson, V., Dying and Death in Later Anglo-Saxon England. Speculum 81(2, April), 619-620
2.) Welch,M. (2006). Some recent finds of elite warrior burials in Anglo-Saxon England. in Delestre,X., Kazanski,M.,Périn,P. (ed.) De l’Âge du fer au haut Moyen Âge. Archéologie funéraire, princes et élites guerrières (actes des tables rondes Longroy I (1er et 2 septembre 1998), Longroy II (24 et 25 août 1999). Mémoires publiés par l'Association française d’Archéologie mérovingienne, tome XV series. Paris: l’Association française d’Archéologie mérovingienne, 62-68. ISBN: 2-9524032-0-1
3.) Welch,M. (2006). Cross-Channel contacts between Anglo-Saxon England and Merovingian Francia: an Anglo-French Research Project. in Delstre,X., Kazanski,M.,Périn,P. (ed.) De l’Âge du fer au haut Moyen Âge. Archéologie funéraire, princes et élites guerrières (actes des tables rondes Longroy I (1er et 2 septembre 1998), Longroy II (24 et 25 août 1999). Mémoires publiés par l’Association française d’Archéologie mérovingienne, tome XV series. Paris: l’Association française d’Archéologie mérovingienne, 103-111. ISBN: 2-9524032-0-1
4.) Welch, M. (2003). Migrating Hordes?, in The Land of the Dobunni, eds. M. Ecclestone, K. S. Gardner, N. Holbrook, and A. Smith. Oxford, 65-7
5.) Welch, M. (2002). Cross-Channel Contacts between Anglo-Saxon England and Merovingian Francia, pp. 122-131. In Lucy, S. and A. Reynolds (eds), Burial in Early Medieval England and Wales. London: Society for Medieval Archaeology Monograph 17.
6.) Welch, M. (2001). The Archaeology of Mercia, pp. 147-159. In Brown, M.P. and C. A. Farr (eds), Mercia: an Anglo-Saxon kingdom in Europe. London and New York: Leicester University Press.
7.) Sherlock, S. & M. Welch, (1992), Anglo Saxon Cemetery at Norton Cleveland.
8.) Down, A. & M. Welch, (1990), Chichester Excavations 7.
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